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Sukarelawan | Tutor

Gabung Tim Kami salaku Tutor!

Naha anjeun gaduh gairah pikeun maca sareng ngabantosan batur?

  • Tutor damel hiji-hiji sareng peserta didik sawawa umur 18 sareng saluhureuna

  • Sesi nyaéta 1 - 2 jam saminggu

  • Pelatihan tutor sareng dukungan anu terus-terusan disayogikeun

  • Bahan pangajaran pikeun peserta didik sawawa sareng tutor disayogikeun

Diajar langkung seueur ngeunaan ngabimbing murid sawawa sareng ngarobih kahirupan sawawa ngalangkungan kaahlian sastra. BACA Ottawa nganggo  ProLiteracy  curriculum. Ngahadiran hiji waktos sési latihan 5-jam diperlukeun. BACA Ottawa ngayakeun sahenteuna opat sesi latihan unggal taun pikeun masihan sababaraha kasempetan pikeun sukarelawan nampi pelatihan.


Rék ngadaptar pikeun sési latihan anu bakal datang atanapi ngobrol sareng batur pikeun diajar langkung seueur? Hubungi Instruktur Pelatihan kami, Lynn Groothuis at !

Janten sukarelawan ayeuna!

Ready to
Change a Life? 
Nelepon (616) 414-0295 kanggo inpormasi lengkep!

BACA Ottawa Tutor Informational Rapat / Pelatihan


Sesi latihan urang salajengna bakal aya dina   EVENTS kami!


Naon anu dibutuhkeun ku tutor?

  • Hadir sesi bimbel literasi pikeun 1 - 2 jam per minggu kalawan peserta didik sawawa dipasangkeun

  • Nyiapkeun rencana pangajaran dumasar kana tujuan melek murid sawawa tur mantuan aranjeunna ngahontal éta tujuan

  • Papanggih di tempat umum anu ditunjuk (ie, perpustakaan)

  • Hadir sési palatihan bimbel genep jam sateuacan ngajar

  • Hadir sahenteuna dua panglawungan Tutor Learning Circle taunan

  • Komunikasi sareng staf READ Ottawa upami diperyogikeun atanapi nalika dipénta

  • Nyadiakeun apdet quarterly learner, paperwork, sarta informasi learner sawawa séjén kana pamundut

  • Kirimkeun ka pamariksaan latar

  • Satuju sareng nandatanganan surat komitmen

  • Lengkep sareng satuju kana perjanjian rahasia


* Kamampuhan pikeun ngarambat ka sesi pangajar dina hiji atanapi langkung tina lokasi ieu: Holland, Zeeland, Grand Haven, Spring Lake, Ferrysburg, West Olive, Coopersville, Allendale, Hudsonville, Jenison

NO pangalaman diperlukeun pikeun jadi tutor a! Ngan kahayang jeung gairah pikeun mantuan batur kalawan kaperluan atikan melek sawawa maranéhanana. BACA Ottawa nyayogikeun sadaya palatihan sareng bahan anu diperyogikeun!

Langkung seueur Cara pikeun Sukarelawan!


Projects & Collaborations

READ Ottawa partners with local organizations, agencies, nonprofits, and churches in order to serve our adult learners who struggle with illiteracy. We sometimes seek volunteers to help us with these collaborative projects. Please contact us if you are interested in learning about any upcoming projects we need volunteers for. You can also check out our Facebook page!


READ Ottawa is always seeking members from the community to join our three committees. Committees tend to meet bi-monthly for up to two hours in the evening or on an as needed basis. All committee members are expected to attend every committee meeting. Our committees are:
Outreach & Marketing
Fundraising & Events
Program & Operations

Board of Directors

​READ Ottawa has nine volunteer Board Members that steer the organization to ensure optimal operations and quality programming. All Board Members are required to serve on at least one of our committees, participate in tutoring or tutor training sessions, participate in community events, make contributions, and attend monthly board meetings in the evening.

Volunteer Support Staff

READ Ottawa has a group of talented Volunteer Support Staff that assist with crucial operations, programming, and other consulting services sporadically throughout the year. Our Volunteer Support Staff have been lending their time and experience to READ Ottawa for several years for free. If you are experienced with a skill set and think you would like to volunteer with us long-term in a non-tutor capacity, please reach out to us.

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